Eye Examinations
At Pilbeam Opticians we know how precious your sight is to you. Our headline priority is to make sure your eyes are healthy now – and to remain healthy in the future.
We have always invested in state of the art equipment that helps our Optometrists confirm that your eyes are healthy. We were one of the first Practices in the UK to install Optomap – allowing a comprehensive scan of the eye. This gives you peace of mind and allows our Optometrists to spot any early changes over time.
During your eye examination, our Optometrists will give you lifestyle advice in relation to eye care. You will then be able to make informed decisions to ensure your vision is at its best – whatever stage of your life.
Our Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians take continuing professional development seriously – all of our Optometrists have recently been accredited to join the Leicestershire Glaucoma Refinement Scheme.
For those who find getting to the Practice difficult, we will examine your eyes at home. Please ring and we will arrange a suitable appointment time
Protect Your Vision
Our enhanced eye imaging covers five times more of your retina than ordinary tests.
This practice can now offer patients access to the only optomap® system with integrated Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).
Jonathan and the team recommend optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging with OCT as an important part of your eye exam.
Our unique system, the latest Optos imaging technology, helps detect a wide range of diseases – even before you experience symptoms. Many eye problems can be corrected if found early. We want to provide the very highest standard of care and recommend optomap to all patients with every exam.
The new Optos Monaco produces an ultra-wide image of the retina together with OCT – a 3D view of all the retinal layers. Pilbeam Opticians have been using Optomap for some time, and now with added OCT we can obtain even more information about the health of your eyes in comparison to traditional imaging methods.
We are the first Practice in Europe to install the Optos Monaco – world leading technology that allows a wide scan of the retina in addition to a 3D picture of all the layers of the retina.